Business Networking Functions

Do you host or participate in exhibitions and trade shows? When we are commissioned to manage events, we work with our partners to create all the required marketing elements for a consistent post-event nurturing campaign. Event elements we create include stand design, presentation scripts, slides, data mining forms, branded material etc. We have teamed up to manage events and create stands and marketing resources for Tranter Rock Drills at Elektra Mining, SIAMM Conference, Lidwala Engineering at IMESA, Forbatt SA Three City Road Shows, Anglo Platinum Supplier Exhibitions and many more.

We have worked with professional toastmasters and brilliant celebrity MCs such as Barry Hilton. We worked for a client with Barry on a very successful 3 City Tour that included Durban’s Southern Sun, Cape Town’s One&Only and Johannesburg’s Hyatt. Our events are memorable and leave prospects and customers talking for years after the event.

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